March 16, 2017

Operation Phoenix

On March 16th of 2017 after the quarantine zones were overrun. The military had made one final call for bombing large cities with napalm in the hopes to stop the outbreak from getting out of control any worse. Meanwhile, the department of defense continues to make air drops for remaining military outposts or checkpoints.

During the night of the napalm, all the survivors sit back and gather together on the vinewood mountains watching the bombs drop into the city. During this stage, remaining haywire Merryweather began targeting innocent civilians and killing them in cold blood with automatic assault rifles and helicopters with mounted turrets.

The Aftermath & Fall of Civilization

After the napalm, all military personnel were ordered to abandon their duties and were cut off from communication to watch out for themselves. Most of them were killed anyways while the ones that survived started and gathered groups of people to set up camps around the world. Overtime they became either mercenaries or militiamen.

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