March 11, 2017

Day of Experimentations

After applying the DNA to their first patient, they started to show signs of irregular heartbeat and a loss of breath. Which then resulted in a sudden death. The scientists in the lab had to act quick and apply the RES-408 fluid to the patient.

A few moments later, the patient had re-animated and had bit one of the scientists in the arm. The other scientist had took out his pistol and began unloading on the patient which had no reaction to the shots in his chest. The alarms had sounded and Merryweather guards had came to try to contain the situation. After realizing the situation, the guards decided to shoot the head which finally put it to an end.

Once the body was on the ground, there was unknown fumes coming off of it that no one can see and hardly smell and it managed to work its way through the ventilation system of the Humane Labs. This ventilation system can cause toxic chemicals to go airborne or work its way into the water system if no action was taken and in this case there was no action taken to stop it. Once it got out, half the Humane Labs personnel started getting sick, coughing and dying almost like tear gas.

This caused everyone inside who died from it to come back from the dead and started going after others who were still alive. Was not long before the place was overrun and Merryweather had to abandon ship and lock the doors to the facility.

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