Auto Bans

Combat Logging

Exiting/Disconnecting will flag you for Combat Logging, you will have 5 minutes to join back on the server, if you don't. You will receive an auto ban for 24 hours.

Timeouts and Crashing will still flag you for Combat Logging, however it will not give you the 5 minute timer. Although if you continuously Time Out/Crash, it will be reviewed manually and if it is found that you have been exploiting it to your advantage, you will receive a much harsher punishment up to a 2 week ban + full character wipe.

There may be times where you will still be auto banned even if you crashed/timed out. If this happens, you will need to submit a Discord Ticket with concrete proof that you in fact crashed or timed out. Otherwise you will have to wait the ban out.

LTAP (Leaving To Avoid Punishment)

If you are Admin Jailed and you are caught Exiting/Disconnecting. You will be auto banned for 72 hours, this ban may even be extended depending on the rule you broke.

If you are in a Staff Situation and you leave the area, or exit the server in the process of a Staff Sit, you will receive a 2 week manual ban for LTAP.


Modding and using Cheats is an instant automatic permanent ban. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Last updated