

Exploiting; taking advantage of a glitch or bug for your own or someone elses benefit.

Duping; the act of duplicating items, or weapons in order to get a large quantity


  • Duping items/weapons

  • Abusing glitches or bugs to your advantage



  1. 30 minute Admin Jail + a warning

  2. 1 - 3 day ban + a warning

  3. 7 - 14 day ban + a warning

  4. Permanent ban + a Blacklist Vote

Duping of Items/Weapons:

  1. If they tell the Truth: 30 minute Admin Jail + Confiscation of all duplicated items

    1. If they Lie: 1-3 day ban + Full Character Wipe

  2. Additional offenses may result in the punishment being doubled consecutively

Last updated